23 September 2011

A Video

Mum took this video of me playing with the ginga poo...she says there are some 'orbs' in the video. Maybe its my Nana playing too?

27 May 2011

Good times and Sad times

Its been a busy year so far for a little white fluffy dude. My Nana, she was real sick, she made it through Christmas, and then she made it for my Mamas birthday...and then she died. Just like that, one day she was here, and the next she was gone. I never saw her again and I miss her lots.

Heres a pic of us with our Nana...

We miss you Nana.

Soooooo...what did my silly Mum go and do....well, she says it was cos she was sad, but really, how could she be so sad that she would need a puppy. Thats just silly. Anyway, she got another puppy. He's a POODLE. Another one!!! His name is Bailey...what kinda name is that?

Heres a pic...

He's got red furr for goodness sake, thats not a real dawg.

Anyway, I hate him. he's red and smelly.

Soooooo I went to the Masters Games with Mum. Cos ya know I'm a master of everything. I did some agility with Mum, I did win any medals (the poo did) but Mum got an awesome pic of me. Here it is...

Oh, by the way, in the background, thats my Nana on the right, this was in January, before she went away.

I winned some other ribbons, three for obedience (oh yeah I'm REAL obedient hehe) and one for agility, I came third.

Anyways, time to snuggle my Mama so she doesnt get too sad.
