02 January 2013

Bichon with a bad knee

Mum says it's cos I'm getting old. What's that? What's this 'old' thing? Can you eat it? Can ya chase it? Anyways, I got a sore leg. Was fine one minute, and next thing my leg stopped working. I couldn't put it on the ground. Mum was real worried. She took me to the vet (blech) and they said it was my cruciate ligament (whatever that is). They said they could fix it with an operation, and Mum wanted me to be all better. So I said I'd be brave and get it done (just to make her happy). Well, the night before my operation, Mum was carrying me down the steps so I could go toilet, and she fell. I thought she was going to drop me, but she didn't cos she loves me lots. She had to have x-rays and now she wears a funny big black boot. Something about a hairline fracture, I don't know, maybe she's got that 'old' thing too. I'm feeling much better now, can use my leg a little bit, but Mum keeps telling me off cos I keep licking licking licking. She makes me wear the cone of shame.

Here's a pic of my sore knee

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