More Ribbons....
Sigh...I'm so darned clever. With absolutely no help from my Mum, I won some more ribbons.
I won a third place ribbon at the Hawera Dog Training Club Obedience Ribbon Trial
and then...then.....OMG
I won not one, but TWO FIRST PLACE RIBBONS.
Thats right, Mum kindly drove me to Feilding for the ribbon trial over there. It was too cool, I met this really nice white fluffy dog, called Bear (whats that about). She smelled sooo good and I just wanted to play with her. She liked me too, but she was really big for a Bichon, and her fur wasn't curly, and she shed like crazy. Mum said something about a Samoyed, I dont know what that means, but if I ever meet Bear again I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend.
Anyways, back to the topic...
First we entered Elementary 1 Obedience, and Mum worked really hard not to walk too fast and to keep my lead loose. Then she gave me just the right amount of encouragement so I could do a nice recall. And then during the stays she kindly removed some horsey poop so I wouldn't get distracted.
The we did the Elementary 2 test, which is a little bit harder than the 1st one. But I still did really well. During the down/stay, one of the other dogs, a mini schnauzer stood up (that is definitely a no-no) and came over to me and sniffed me. I could hear my Mums heart pounding, but she shouldn't have worried. I didn't get up. I just rolled over and the the schnauzer 'the look' (I learned that from my poodle friend).
Anyways. When the results came in, they called my number first. Mum couldn't believe it but I wasn't surprised.
And then...then they called the result for the 2nd test, and and I won AGAIN.

Only thing is, now I can't compete in Elementary 1 anymore, cos that's for newbies, and I aint no newbie no more.
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