20 February 2008

My Favorite Spot (at the moment)

I'm just loving the privacy and peace that ya gets when ya crawl under the furnature, ya know?

So the couch is the perfect spot for me, cept sometimes my sister Maddy gets under there for a scratchin' and we kinda dont both fit, not while she rubbin and scratchin anyways.

Here's a pic of me under the couch, but I forgot to tuck my tail in....snapped.

Oh and here's a pic of the card my Mum got from one of her Bichon Pals...cute huh? (I was that cute when I was a little tacker....no really I was, she only had to pick maggots out of my beard once)

1 comment:

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I'm going to have to see about getting a taller couch as I do not fit under the one we have!