19 July 2008

A Warning about Raisins and Dogs

A Message from BeeGee's Mum

I feel awful as I'm writing this, like I'm such a bad Mum.
On Thursday I came home from work to discover that BeeGee had consumed a bag of mixed dried fruit that I had forgotten to put away. I actually thought it was funny at first, That naughty BeeGee, he's such a piglet.
Thats night he had diahorea, which I had anticipated, having eaten all that fruit, and the next morning he vomited. I was a little concerned but not overly. I thought he was just suffering the effects of being a piglet.
On Friday evening something didnt feel right. I was actually worried about the peanuts that had been in the mix. So I logged onto Bichon.ca/forum and searched 'peanuts', discovering that I shouldnt be too worried, although best not feed our fluffs peanuts as they dont digest them. But something else caught my eye. To my horror I read about raisin/sultana/grape toxicity, and that it can kill. I just turned cold inside. My poor baby! I really thought I was going to lose him. If I had realised I would have rced him off to the vet on the Thursday, as he must have had a window of about 4 hours in which to consume them, and they could have made him vomit.
However, 24 hours later, its too late for that kind of treatment. So I phoned the afterhours vet. She confimred that it was serious. That they didnt really know how much needed to be consumed to cause a problem, that it was different for every dog (BeeGee had at least a handful). That there is no antidote. And that I needed to watch out for him to be off his food, and for lethargy and pain.
Needless to say I didnt sleep last night. BeeGee was up vomiting again in the middle of the night and I knew the vet was open this morning for a few hours (Its saturday here) so I took him in to get the vet to assess him (the only help they can provide is a saline drip and meds to help stop vomiting and diahorea). We told her that apart from the vomiting BeeGee seemed ok. He still has an appetite, and he still has plenty of energy, seems to be behaving pretty much like the usual BeeGee.
She took his temperature (much to his disgust) which was fine. Said he didnt look dehydrated (she pinched his skin and it bounced back nicely) and then took him off for a blood test. I think she checked his renal function. She said it was at the lower end of the normal scale, so still ok. And that she couldnt see any signs of toxicity. She said that in acute renal failure (which is what happens) she would have expected to see him very sick, very fast. certainly within the first 24 hours of having consumed them.
She said that if he is still ok by Monday, then we can assumed that we've been very lucky and learned an important lesson. She also prescribed him something to coat his tummy lining as a preventative, because apparently renal failure causes ulcers (or something like that).
I guess thats why I'm writing this. I know we have lots of new Bichon Moms and Dads and they may not know of the danger.
The other thing is... I actually did know...I had read it before on this forum...but I didnt really take it in I guess.
I just know that I could bear to be without my BeeGee :cry: and I wanted to warn others to be careful about leaving food around that our babies can scoff into.
Oh...the other thing the vet told me was that they have had other cases of dogs dying from this toxin, so its really not that rare, and definately something we should all be aware of.
Sorry for rambling. I think thats all I wanted to say.

26 June 2008

I Wun a Competition

Yep thats right. Mum put a photo of me and Maddy having a snooze up on the Bichon Website we belong to....and we came second. Smack bang in the middle of first and third!!! Anyways...there was prizes, and we got sum...all the way from AMERICA. They arrived today. We got two toys...a aeroplane and a thingy that has balls in it with lots of squeakys. And Mum got a mousepad with a Bichon pic on it.

Anyways...heres sum pics.

20 February 2008

My Favorite Spot (at the moment)

I'm just loving the privacy and peace that ya gets when ya crawl under the furnature, ya know?

So the couch is the perfect spot for me, cept sometimes my sister Maddy gets under there for a scratchin' and we kinda dont both fit, not while she rubbin and scratchin anyways.

Here's a pic of me under the couch, but I forgot to tuck my tail in....snapped.

Oh and here's a pic of the card my Mum got from one of her Bichon Pals...cute huh? (I was that cute when I was a little tacker....no really I was, she only had to pick maggots out of my beard once)

05 February 2008

Poochie Jacket

Here's the pattern for the jackets Mum makes for me, I been trying to get her to put it in here for ages, so other fluffs can share in the joy of a gorgeous jacket, but she's so lazy ya know? This is a jacket to fit a Bichon Frise, cos that what I am ya know?

Fluffer Jacket
Using 4.5mm (8) needles and 8ply/doubleknit wool:

Cast on 34 St
Row 1: inc in next st, Knit to last 2 st, inc in next st, knit 1
Row 2: Knit
Row 3: inc in next st, Knit to last 2 st, inc in next st, knit 1
Row 4: Knit
Row 5: inc in next st, Knit to last 2 st, inc in next st, knit 1
Row 6: Knit

There should now be 40 stitches

Row 1: inc in next st, Knit to last 2 st, inc in next st, knit 1
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: Knit
Row 4: inc in next st, Purl to last 2 st, inc in next st, knit 1
Row 5: Knit
Row 6: Purl

Repeat these 6 rows once, there should now be 48 stitches.
Continue straight until back measures 26cm (measure from butt to neck and knit more or less according to your pooch) and then leave stitches on holder.

Chest Piece
Cast on 18 stitches
Knit 2 rows garter stitch
Row 3: K1 *inc in next stitch, k3* repeat to last 2 stitches, increase in next stitch, k1
(should be 24 stitches here if I have counted right)
Knit 3 rows garter stitch

Work in stocking stitch for (you could make this a bit longer for a girl)17cms (ending on a purl row) then shape legs as follows:
Row 1: cast off 5 stitches Knit to end
Row 2: cast off 5 stitches Purl to end
Continue in stocking stitch until piece measures 20cms, ending with a purl row

Join Back to Chest Piece
Knitting across chest piece first:
*Knit 5, knit 2 together* repeat to last 5 stitches, k to end of chest pieces and then join back as follows *Knit 3, knit 2 together* repeat to end of row.

Work in rib (I prefer k2,p2 but whatever you like) for 10cm (or however long you like) Cast off LOOSELY in rib using large needles.

Making Up
Sew up collar using flat seam
Sew up side seam

Hope this is understandable; I’m not really a pattern writer. As far as decoration, the first six rows of the back piece look nice in fluffy wool and sometimes I knit stripes up the back etc.

In terms of sizing, you can easily make the jacket larger or smaller by varying the wool and needle size.

01 February 2008

My Favorite Time of the Day


Course my other favourite times are 1st thing in the morning when Mums gives me scratchins, Mums breakfast time when I get to watch her eating toast (sometimes she sneaks me a piece) and um when Mum gets home from work thats pretty cool oh and then there's going for a walk...I loooove that time.

30 January 2008

That Agro Poodle

I just hadtuh show ya this pic.

I tell ya that poodle needs a muzzle,
she's so aggressive. Can ya see those gnashing teeth?
I wasnt skeered though.

22 January 2008

A Sad Day...

I cant believe it the poodle she ATE the tail offa my alligator. She ATE it I tell ya. She'll eat anything, ANYTHING I tell ya.

So, after she ate it, the tail I mean, it didnt squeak no more, so she tried to make it squeak by eating MORE of it.