I Was Right....
She did get us pressies, tasty ones too. Pics to follow...
She did get us pressies, tasty ones too. Pics to follow...
Posted by Nzbyrd at 12:24 pm 2 comments
Well thats it, now I'm really annoyed. Mum's leaving us alone for the WHOLE day. Thats like from 8.30 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon. Its far too long for a bichon (and another bichon and a poodle) to be alone. Even if she does leave goodies out for us. Thats just a mere distraction.
So, we decided, the three of us, just to let Mum know how upset we are.
The first day we got into the rubbish bin. Spread around an old meat tray (licked off the fat first and then chewed into a thousand pieces), some hairy stuff, a few used tissues, an empty (bugger) dog bickie bag, and then piddled on it.
The second day we got into Mums knitting.
The third day we got into Mums knitting AGAIN (and she thought it was safe haha)
And yesterday we chewed up as many tissuesas we could pull out of the box and then chewed the ends of Sams MP3 headphones yeah. She wanted new headphones anyway. I know.
There are no pics of this distruction cos a pic wouldnt do justice, and a pic wouldn't show the look on Mums face when she walked through the door. She was smiling ya know. Really she was.
She think thinks I'm so cute I tell ya I could get away with ANYTHING.
Oh yeah, on each of the above days, there were various poops and piddles and maybe a puke (I didnt do that) for her to clean up. I mean, leave us alone for that long and what does she expect?
I think maybe I might get some new toys in the next few days. If she thinks we're upset enough, she might provide us with better entertainment!!!
Posted by Nzbyrd at 11:29 am
All about BeeGee the Bichon Frise, ratbag extraordinaire.