Whats a poor Bichon to do?

Grandad came to visit and that was pretty cool too. He did all kinds of man things with paintbrushes and ladders. I supervised of course. Heres
a pic of me and Grandad.

Anyways, Mum musta had enough of me cos she went back to work. NOOOOOooooooo!!!!!
So I just sit by the front door waiting for her to come home. I do a lot of barking to let everyone know I miss her and every now and then a bit of howling too, when I feel really bad.
At night, I have started sneaking back into her bed. I dont get in very far, just enough to curl up in her arm. Sometimes she gets cross and kicks me out, just cos my feet are wet and dirty, I dont know what her problem is.
How will I ever cope?